Sunday, September 14, 2008

HIRO is back home

Hiro is back home !


- He was placed in the toliet layed with newspaper for him to pee. Waited for almost 10mins still no sign of peeing. =(
- He was carried into the cage, not long after he starts to play with his new toys in the cage.
-His favourite toy is the rug bone. "Shaking away with his head with the toy in his mouth.


-Everyone was tired, including him. "Its NAP time"


- His bell awakes us, he starts to whin for us to clear his soiled paper.
- After awhile he was allowed to roam about the kitchen.
- He is playing happily with us, and he was taught with the 1st command "COME".
- He manage to grab it in a short time of 30mins, with lots of our treats and praises.


-Start to prepare his food, he sits down patiently looking at me soaking his food.


- He is hungry, whins when he saw me preparing his food for him.
- He hungrily eat his food.
- Manage to take his food away when he eats midway, this is part of disipline training.
- Not long after he eats, he pees on the spot of the cage again.
- He is showing sign of pooing, quickly grab him to the toliet on the newspaper.
- FINALLY HE POO! Good Boy! He is lavishly given treats and kisses from me.

- Brings him out to play again, to make sure he still remembers his command. Indeed he did it!

- SLeeping time! He is dozing off at one corner.
- He pees at the same spot, before he sleeps again =/

*Will change another method of training him to pee*

Some photos taken today...

---> to be continued

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